Denali Lo Ku

Images of Denali National Park in Alaska captures only the visual aspect of the place. At times, words can convey the feeling alone or in support of images. Yet, too many words destroy the mood.

Lo Ku, a play on the Japanese verse form of Haiku, uses few words to convey an elusive moment, a point in time.

By accident, four lines seems optimal, but not required. Read each line separately and savor, before continuing...


Jim Yuen, July 2001

For some photos of Denali, visit

snuffling for berries
in the stillness
of Denali

The gritty water settles
Mostly sand
And a fleck of gold

Digging furiously
Muzzle probing the burrow
'I smell a squirrel'
Thinks the fox

'Who will braid my tresses?
My icy, flowing streamers?'
Asked the glacier
'I will" said the wind

Day-old chicks
Cruise in comfort
On the back
Of Mother Loon

The shriek
Of the dying hare
Keeps the hungry wolf

In palest blush
The awakening day
The mountain snow

Sucking my blood
Leaving a welt
And a roaring itch

Pudgy Marmots
Waddling about
Nibbling at plants
'Are you ready for winter?'