Ed Lee, Geary Mizuno, Ken Kupchak


From: Ed Lee
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 2:09 PM

Aloha Jim,

There's no one I know who has enjoyed a life such as that lived by Mr Gill (at one of my first meetings with Lorin in 1971 I mistakenly addressed him with a "hello Lorin" and he instantly corrected my manners with a terse, "It's  Mr. Gill." )  And I don't know personally any other person who hands on motivated so many fortunate people, myself included.  And, to think of it, he has so many friends who have preceded him, that his journey now will be accompanied with many familiar faces.

Your friend,
Ed Lee

From: Geary Mizuno
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 4:51 PM

Atomman has a similar story about his first meeting with Lorin. I, on the other hand, being a well-trained firstborn Japanese, greeted him as "Mr. Gill."  Actually, I should have called him "sensei," and later, I did use the honorific, "Gill-sama" (which he laughed at, but then again, we were drinking warmed sake in a Sierra cup).

From: Ken Kupchak
Sent: Oct 3, 2010

Warm saki tastes best in freshly cut bamboo!!! Albeit that same is not always available on the Koolau Summit trail where , not infrequently, Patty and I and Lorin would sit toasting the Sunset. One such evening , we and Lorin each pitched a tent while the rest of the crew occupied the Kahuku cabin. Two memories from that evening remain in my gray matter, although little else does.

First, we discovered that pineapple bugs, something that we had previously known at lower elevations, such as during  Kawainui overnights, enjoy scotch as much as we do; preferably single malt, Macallen for us and Talisker for Lorin; are impossible to keep out of the Sierra cup of scotch  and add a wee bit of a crunch to the smooth scotch; even on the Koolau summit!!!

Second, none of us could stand up and walk through the mud puddles from our perch on the rim of the Koolau to our sheltered tents, so we each crawled, mud and all , remembering to say as we zipped our respective tents shut for the night: “ Good night Lorin.” In response , we received the now famous Gill “ Hurumpfff!” or was it “Geeee…Ni…….”, but who is keeping score? We were each late for breakfast duties…….

