These albums are mostly of trips and vacations and not of great interest to the general public. Most Photos have been reduced in size and resolution for album use. Contact me if you want a high-resolution copy of the photo. - photo gallery 1 - photo gallery 2 - slide shows - albums
- 2020
- 2014
- 2013
- 2008
- 2008-Alaska
- 2008-St Kitts ElderHostel Service Project
- 2007
- 2006
- Bhutan (coming soon)
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2003 Family Reunion at Zohra's House, NY
- 2003 Matthew Rolfo Baptism Party, NY
- 2003 True Light Group Reunion, NY
- 2003 Ski Reunion, Simm and Joe, NY
- 2003 Ron and Nancy Kuykendall, Asheville, NC
- 2003 Wildflower ElderHostel, Smith Mountain Lake, VA
- 2003 Second Wynde, Celtic Band, VA
- 2003 Colonial Williamsburg, VA
- 2003 Shenandoah Valley - Blue Ridge Park, VA
- 2003 Halloween Witch at Kapolei
- 2003 Lab Christmas party
- 2003-Hawaiian Forest - Steph - Jackson
- 2001
- 1997
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