What's inside a web page?

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke - "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)
English physicist & science fiction author (1917 - )

 A web page consists of text, commands to format and display the text, hyper-links to access other data (such as pictures, graphics, etc) to include on the page and hyper-links to display other pages.

 The web page formatting command language is called HTML, short for Hyper Text Formatting Language.

 A Hyper-Link consists of an address to another web page and a method to access it.

 The simplest web page is a line of text, for example:  "Hello World"

 To format the page requires the use of HTML, for example:

<title>An example</title>
<b>Hello World</b>

This will display "Hello World" in bold letters.

 To include a picture, insert an image command with a link to the source of the image). The source indicates where to find the image and what is the name of the image file. 

<img src=" ookpik.jpg">

 To link to another page, insert a hypertext reference command with the address of the linked web page. Include any appropriate text.

 <a href="my-next-page.html">Here's my next page</a>

 To improve the display, add two paragraph separators to space out the three lines.

 A completed web page looks like this:

<title>An example</title>
<b>Hello World</b>
<IMG SRC="ookpik.jpg">
<a href="my-next-page.html">Here's my next page</a>

Save this as "html-example.html".


Jim Yuen 6/27/2006