What is the Hawaii Service Trip Program? |
The Hawai'i Service Trip Program (HSTP) is the action-oriented arm of the Sierra Club philosophy; that the active protection of our natural environment is a primary and essential task. This philosophy has special significance in Hawai'i. |
Why is Hawaii's environemnt so special? |
Separated from all the major land masses and their influences for millions of years, Hawaiian ecosystems included an incredible variety of unique and valuable species, most of which are found nowhere else on Earth. Both beautiful and unique, Hawai'i's ecosystem is also delicate; prone to disruption by alien plants and animals. The prevention of this destruction is an HSTP priority. |
Why preserve the Hawaiian wilderness? |
There are many reasons, some aesthetic and some practical. There is the tremendous beauty of the forest, and the deep Hawaiian cultural importance and rich scientific worth in the wilderness areas of our islands. On a practical level, the native Hawaiian rain-forest plays a vital role in replenishing our water supply. The importance of these watershed lands is becoming ever more evident as population growth continues in Hawai'i. |
What is a Hawaii Service "Trip"? |
Although each trip is unique they all follow a general format. Ten to twenty people work on a project in a wilderness area for a day at a time or up to two weeks. The trip is divided between work and recreation. This may include exploring the area, swimming, or just relaxing. We uphold a wilderness conservation ethic and stress togetherness, hard work, responsibility and good times. As a general rule, a Service Trip completes a useful project and leaves lasting impressions on its participants. |
What types of Service Projects are there? |
There are three types of HSTP projects; fence building, trail work and noxious plant control. The fence projects keep feral animals from destroying native plants and protect local environments. Trail work provides safe and easy access to wilderness areas that can absorb our impact. This allows more of the public to realize what a great resource we have in our natural places. Noxious plants control removes competitive weeds from natural areas. |
Who pays for a Service Trip? |
Service Trip participants pay a $200, $150 for students, fee to cover administration costs; the rest comes from the Service Trip Program through donations and fund raisers. Often expenses have been supported by the agencies such as the Hawai'i State Division of Forestry, the Hawai'i Department of State Parks, the National Park Service, and The Nature Conservancy. However the cost to a trip participant may vary. |
What type of person does well on a Service Trip? |
Any person with an open mind and love for Hawai'i's wilderness areas, a willingness to work hard, and an ability and desire to live in wilderness conditions is appreciated on our trips. In addition, one must be in reasonable physical condition to work and live in the wilderness and still enjoy it. |
Does this sound like YOU? |
If this sounds like your kind of fun, you're the type of person that HSTP and Hawai'i needs. There are ongoing projects on all major islands. Trips are usually planned for the summer, winter and spring vacations. |
For applications and information, please contact: Hawaii Service Trip Program