2004 Waimea Valley Audubon Society
HSTP Workshop and Trail Project
Click on the thumbnail
for a larger version
Camping at the Palm Garden
Fine dining at Le Grinds
Eager customers
Late night crowd
New car camping style
Scott, Jackson, Jamie killing
Waimea, Amber, Pauline,
Scott, Jackson
Freeloading duck
Living featherduster
Alae Ula
Junior sized
Jamie across from the trailhead
Tourists by Waihi Falls
Built by HSH
Along the shoreline
..muddy, too
..and shady
Jackson and Sandy constructing
the first step
Whack 'em, Kelly
Kelly's first step
Amber and Jamie
Pauline, Jamie, Scott
Jamie, Jackson, Sandy
Four hours later,. Jamie,
Scott, Amber, Pauline, Kelly, Jackson, Sandy
Sixteen steps, from the
lower steps
another view
upper steps
top water bar
step construction detail
note steel pins anchoring
the rock
step abuts rocks for stability
Scott's nice rockwork backfilling
the step riser
a top view
waterbar sluices water
to the right
Photos copyright by Jim Yuen, 2004
Created with
© Jeff Waldock, 2004
Saved March 10, 2004 13:25