Hawaii Hiking and Outdoor Links

Note: this page is archived. Please visit the new website which contains this and much more information on hiking at https://stuckinthewoods.info. Mahalo, Jim Yuen

Links to Hawaii Agencies and Organizations

Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources...DLNR, the state agency in charge

Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife...DOFAW, a division of DLNR

Na Ala Hele...Na Ala Hele Program, a public state-wide trail system

Hawaii State Parks, Oahu Trails

Hawaii State Parks / Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens

The Nature Conservancy Hawaii...The Hawaii branch of TNC

The Hawaii Nature Center...A local nature center stressing education for the kids

The Hawaii Conservation Organization ...A joint education project of the State of Hawai`i, Dept of Land and Natural Resources, Div of Forestry and Wildlife and the U.S. Dept of Agriculture, Forest Service Natural Resource Conservation Education Program.

The Sierra Club, Hawaii Chapter...Local chapter Outings page - schedules hikes every weekend

The High School Hikers Program...Encouraging high school students to enjoy, appreciate and care for the environment.

The Hawaiian Trail and Mountain Club..Since 1910, the oldest local club of hard core hiking enthusiasts in Hawaii.

The Hawai‘i Biodiversity & Mapping Program (HBMP) ...compiles and maintains detailed, comprehensive information on Hawaii's rarest biological resources.

Links to websites devoted to hiking in Hawaii

Nate Yuen's Hiking-Photo Blog - Nate has exquisite photos of the Hawaiian forest

Hike Hawaii...Dayle Turner, Instructor at Leeward Community College is an avid hiker (HTMC info)

Oahu Hiking Tales...Dayle Turner, Instructor at Leeward Community College is an avid hiker (great narratives)

Hawaii Hiking Gallery...Grant Tokumi's website of trails and photos

Stuck In The Woods ... Jim Yuen's notes on backcountry Hawaii guides, gear, skills and advice

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